Wanna Get A Room?

And by room, I mean room for YOU. Clearing your calendar of obligations and filling your personal space with joy and abandon. It's September and things are busy. And if you are anything like me, you have recently found yourself hiding in your car hoping no one calls, touches or talks to you for 30 minutes in an attempt to breathe, get work done or phone a friend. A temporary solution to a much bigger problem.

How is it possible to exert so much energy caring for others yet so little on ourselves? As women, we learn to care for everyone first and then take what is leftover, and a lot of it is programming. More on that here.  What if I told you there are a few simple tricks to help you learn to prioritize yourself and make room for you?

Let me break it down in 3 steps:

  1. Set boundaries. Figure out what task, job, situation is leaving you feeling uninspired, untethered and generally unhappy and cut it loose.

  2. Admit you can't do it all. And possibly admit it with pride? What if doing it all is boring AF and you have (up until today) taught people to add to your workload because you “love your job”or “don't mind” or “can handle it”but that is all just a load of BS? It's time to say no and stop doing it all. Just do what lights you up.

  3. Connect with like minded people. Be intentional with the company you keep. Hang out with people who share a similar outlook on work life balance. I will be speaking with a group of these like minded empowered women next Tuesday at 12:00 noon. Join me and the amazing women from Collectively for a conversation about putting the YOU back in your life. It's going to be juicy!

xo Ali

PS If you are in need of coaching and are ready to take that next step or play a bigger game, I have a few spots open in my 1:1 coaching practice. We will conquer fears, stucked-ness, self-limiting beliefs and uncover what is getting in the way of you living your most engaged and kick ass life! Sounds fun, right?

 Increase your confidence, learn how to ask for more and start living a life aligned with your values. Book a consult call here to see what coaching can do for you.

Ali Dunn