Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Elevate Your Year: Goal Setting for Every Enneagram Type

It's been a month! Not even my undying obsession with the Enneagram can solve all the world’s problems—though it would be a lot easier if everyone knew their type. 

When things feel frustrating or beyond our control, sometimes we need to shift our focus to what we can control. As a Leadership Coach, often my best advice to clients is to get into action!  Take a few minutes to connect to your future self and elevate your year by setting some inspiring career, life and relationship goals.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

How the Enneagram Can Transform Your Career and Life

If you are new here, welcome to my blog! Monthly musings on all things Enneagram, leadership and mindset related, with an occasional dusting of transformational life lessons and self-help book recommendations.

Why am I so obsessed with the Enneagram? Because it is like a Google translator for personal and professional development. Whether it is enhancing workplace communications, aligning your career path, deepening human connection, enhancing your leadership or amplifying your confidence, the Enneagram has the power to unlock barriers and evoke sustainable change.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Is there such thing as a perfect Enneagram team or partnership?

This is a question that comes up a lot! The short answer is no. There is no perfect match in teams or partnerships but certain Enneagram types can balance each other more harmoniously while other types may have more friction.

So what can you do to have a more high-functioning and cohesive team or a more empathetic and connected partnership?

It comes down to 3 things:
1. Self-awareness
2. Awareness of others
3. Great communication skills

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Finding Fulfillment: Navigating the Work-Life Balance Tightrope

Does it look like I have work life balance? Truthfully speaking, most days I feel out of balance. That’s why I aim for work life fulfillment over work life balance.

I believe if my values are aligned at work and at home, and I am acting out of integrity, my best has to be good enough. I also believe in embracing what we can control and accepting what we can't. The one common theme I hear from my female clients

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Burnout By Enneagram Type: What You Need to Know

Are you experiencing burnout? You can't open your Instagram or scroll on LinkedIn without witnessing the global despair, distress and overwhelm that we are experiencing. Burnout has become an increasingly prevalent issue, affecting professionals and founders across all industries. As a leadership coach, I have the privilege of working closely with individuals and teams navigating the challenges of burnout.

Burnout is not merely a result of excessive workload; it is a complex interplay of factors that includes chronic stress, lack of autonomy, and a diminished sense of purpose.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Boosting Team Engagement with the Enneagram

How engaged are you at work? Or if you are a leader, how engaged is your team? Have you noticed recently that productivity is low and there is a lack of engagement? If so, you are not alone.

According to Gallup’s recent State of the Workplace report, a significant proportion of employees are not fully engaged in their work. Specifically, 85% of employees are either unengaged or actively disengaged. Various factors can influence team engagement, including leadership, workplace culture, recognition and rewards, opportunities for professional development, and the alignment of individual and organizational values.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

What's your Type? Using the Enneagram for Radical Self Acceptance

Did you know self-acceptance is a crucial aspect of personal growth and emotional well-being? Did you also know that the Enneagram can be a valuable tool in the journey towards self-love and self-acceptance? As an Leadership and Enneagram facilitator, I use this tool on a daily basis.

If you aren't familiar with the Enneagram, it is a scientifically backed personality system that describes nine different core personality types, each with its own set of motivations, fears, desires, and patterns of behavior.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Mindset Makeover: 5 Ways to Step out of Your Comfort Zone

In a world driven by comfort zones and familiar routines, it's easy to get complacent and settle for the status quo. But what if I told you that hidden within the realm of taking small risks lies the potential for monumental achievements? 

As the summer draws to a close you may be noticing your shoulders tensing, your sleep decreasing and the feeling of fall stress looming ahead. But what if all that stress is unnecessary?

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

How to Shift Your Money Mindset

How is your relationship? And by relationship, I mean your relationship with money. Complicated? Spicy? Tense? Unpredictable? Fearful?

We all have our stories about money. What is yours?

A money mindset is the feelings and thoughts someone subconsciously develops toward money based on their life experiences. It can start as early as your first memories. Toy cash register, anyone?

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

How to Beat Procrastination Using your Enneagram Type

It is almost the end of March and how do you feel? Satisfied? Excited ? Proud? OR overwhelmed, angst ridden and hiding under the covers and unsure how to proceed with your next move? My guess is you feel a combination of all of those things and possibly the last one is dominating your headspace. Between being the yes person for your work, relationships or community AND trying to absorb (or deny) the economic shutdown, a weak job market and various global crises, it can be hard to work on yourself and move forward if you can't see the light

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Enneagram Superpowers and Saying Yes When You Mean No

Have you been feeling less than powerful lately? Maybe it's overwhelm, burnout, lack of direction or motivation. Sometimes it is the stories in your head, identities and opinions about yourself that you have formed that may not actually be true. It can be exhausting keeping up with all of things while trying to feel good about yourself!

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Resolution Burnout is Real. Here's How To Avoid It

It’s 2023 and the heat is on! Make resolutions. Set goals. Set bigger goals. Be better. Do more. And then what? How will you know when it is enough? When you are enough?

We’ve had a rough few years, and things still feel uncertain. Want to avoid resolution burnout? Stop making resolutions. Setting arbitrary resolutions won't set you up for success in the long term, it may even set you back. 

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

The Enneagram as a Tool for Teams and Self Discovery

Do you love a good personality assessment? We’ve all done a ton of assessments over the years. Some forced upon us, others from our own curiosity. In my experience as a leadership coach working with people who are seeking greater self-awareness, a good coaching tool can be the key to unlocking mindset blocks, career burnout, and lack of self-confidence. Enter the Enneagram! It is the one tool you don’t want to miss!

Defining the Enneagram has always been a hot topic in the executive and life coaching community.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

The Top 2 Limiting Beliefs Standing in the Way of Your Success and Happiness

As a leadership coach, my practice is brimming with limiting beliefs, my own included. Most of the time we don't even know our beliefs are limiting, we just believe them to be our truth.

Limiting beliefs come from our experiences, societal expectations, and our own biases. They can stop us from taking risks, leveling up in our careers and initiating change. Working with high-performing entrepreneurs and professionals across many industries has taught me one thing: our thoughts become our beliefs which become our reality.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Scared to Make a Career Move? Here is Your First Step

Is the idea of switching careers in pursuit of a more fulfilling and balanced life seem absolutely terrifying?
I used to feel that way. Especially because when I thought about leaving my sales career I had no idea what else was out there. I didn't know what I wanted to do. It felt extra scary to think about making a leap.

Can you relate?

The good news is it doesn’t have to happen overnight. You can take small steps to build a path to lead you to a career that fills you with JOY and PURPOSE.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

The Best Way To Overcome Perfectionism

I recently googled perfectionism and one of the questions that popped up was “Is perfectionism a mental illness?” I had never heard that before but according to the team at UPMC Western Behavioral Health, it may not be an illness but can be linked to anxiety and other mental health issues. Can you relate?

Grab a pen and paper or your notes app and ask yourself this juicy question:

Is perfectionism causing you anxiety and getting in the way of fun, joy and your big-picture career dreams?

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

It's Time to Think Big Picture- Your Future Self Will Thank You

Do you often find yourself wondering what to do next? I am not just talking about major life stuff like moving or changing careers, I am talking about which email to send first or how to make the best use of your time and energy.

In order to know your next move, you have to understand what you are working towards. If you are thinking of opening your own business in the near future then you need to be making deliberate decisions that align with that big picture goal.

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Ali Dunn Ali Dunn

Finding Balance Beyond Work & Family

I help people negotiate for more money, time and space in their lives. Whether it's setting boundaries with yourself, asking for more money in your career, or confidently asking for help when you need it, it is all possible.

What about balance? On a scale of 1-10, how balanced do you feel? When it comes to balance we often think of work/life. With most women, the “life” part often becomes caretaking. When you are not working you take care of your family.

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