Scared to Make a Career Move? Here is Your First Step

Is the idea of switching careers in pursuit of a more fulfilling and balanced life seem absolutely terrifying?
I used to feel that way. Especially because when I thought about leaving my sales career I had no idea what else was out there. I didn't know what I wanted to do. It felt extra scary to think about making a leap. I felt like I would get close to jumping ship only to talk myself out of it on the daily.

Can you relate?

The good news is it doesn’t have to happen overnight. You can take small steps to build a path to lead you to a career that fills you with JOY and PURPOSE. If the answer is yes, I want you to know that it is possible to increase your confidence, ditch the imposter syndrome, love what you do and get paid to do it.


The voices in your head that are holding you back aren't real. They are your inner critic keeping you safe and small.

The voice may sound something like this:

1. You should feel lucky that you have a job

2. Work is supposed to pay the bills not fill you with joy

3. You won't find what you are looking for

4. You're not qualified

5. Responsible people don't switch careers at your age

6. Now is not the time
Once I began to flip these limiting beliefs on their head the world opened up for me. One by one I broke down each story and realized those were the words of someone else, not my own truth.

What is your story? What truths are you telling yourself that are simply not true?

If you are ready to open the door but you can't find the key, you may need my help. Book a complimentary call here today!


The Top 2 Limiting Beliefs Standing in the Way of Your Success and Happiness


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