The Best Way To Overcome Perfectionism

I recently googled perfectionism and one of the questions that popped up was “Is perfectionism a mental illness?” I had never heard that before but according to the team at UPMC Western Behavioral Health, it may not be an illness but can be linked to anxiety and other mental health issues. Can you relate?

Grab a pen and paper or your notes app and ask yourself this juicy question:

Is perfectionism causing you anxiety and getting in the way of fun, joy and your big-picture career dreams?

Take a moment and think about the last time you let perfectionism get in the way of something new, exciting or fun.

Maybe you missed out on a game with your child because you were crafting the perfect email and couldn’t hit send until every line was flawless?

Or you were 30 minutes late to a dinner party because you were trying to find the perfect dress and then spent the evening being hard on yourself because you were late and still didn't love your outfit?

Or you didn’t raise your hand during that meeting because you didn’t have the perfect answer but instantly regretted it because you knew you could have contributed?

When you find yourself procrastinating and stuck in your perfectionism take 1 minute and ask yourself this crucial question:

What advice would I give to a friend in this situation?

Why is it so easy to hold ourselves to such high standards yet have compassion for our friends? Maybe it’s time to turn up and turn on your inner BFF.

Make today the day you embrace Marie Forleo's motto of “done is better than perfect”!

To learn more about how to transform your career into a joyful experience that matches your lifestyle and big picture dreams, book a call here.


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