It's Time to Think Big Picture- Your Future Self Will Thank You

Do you often find yourself wondering what to do next? I am not just talking about major life stuff like moving or changing careers, I am talking about which email to send first or how to make the best use of your time and energy.

In order to know your next move you have to understand what you are working towards. If you are thinking of opening your own business in the near future then you need to be making deliberate decisions that align with that big picture goal.

The thought of where (or really who) do you want to be in five years can be daunting but without having that north star every task becomes a box-checking victory yet doesn’t have meaning.

Aligning yourself with your values is the key to making decisions for your future self. If you are unclear about your values and haven’t done my alignment audit I would head here immediately for a little self reflection. And for more depth check out Brene Brown’s value assesment. If we are not connected to our core values we struggle to make decisions, trust ourselves or even experience joy.

Here are a few examples of what I am working on through the lens of my big picture goals and dreams:

  1. To still be married when my kids leave for college (yes that is 8 years away but if we don’t put in the effort now how can we be close as empty nesters? )

  2. Continue to move the needle on women’s confidence, leadership and equality beyond 1:1 coaching with themes of accessibility, impact and levity

  3. Staying true to my adventurous soul and exploring new cultures and languages with friends, family AND by myself

  4. Living each day into my values of joy, humor, love of learning, adventure, beauty, justice, growth, homesty, bravery, and empowerment

Knowing that these four things are my long term goals help me set boundaries and say no to what isn’t serving me and where to say yes and put my energy.

Take a moment today and think about what your future self is asking of you. Is it more love, more connection, more freedom? More power, more grace, more gratitude? If you can’t see past the to-do’s and find yourself in the hamster wheel it may be time to seek outside counsel.

As of today I still have spots available for my 3-month personalized and transformational coaching program. If you are high functioning but feeling stuck, disempowered but are ready to gain more confidece and clarity, we could be a match.

Book you complimentary intro chat here and let’s move the needle in the direction of your dreams.


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