Finding Balance Beyond Work & Family

I help people negotiate for more money, time and space in their lives. Whether it's setting boundaries with yourself, asking for more money in your career, or confidently asking for help when you need it, it is all possible.

What about balance? On a scale of 1-10, how balanced do you feel? When it comes to balance we often think of work/life. With most women, the “life” part often is caretaking. When you are not working you take care of your family. When you are not with your family you are working.

Where does your “me” time fit in? Should we start calling it work/life/me balance?

What does balance mean to you? Is it booking a night out with your favorite people? Is it training for a half marathon? What if balance is going on a silent retreat for 3 days?

What are the comsequences of not feeling balanced? For a more in depth look at work-life balance, check out this article on Forbes.

Only you know what a balanced life means to you. But once you figure that out, the next step is to create it.

Step 1. Write your balance mantra.

In order to feel my best and most balanced this must be true:

Step 2. Identify your balance guru.

Who is that person that sparks the thought “if only I lived the life that _____ does ” I would feel more balanced?

Step 3. Take action.

Block off your calendar for balance. What is the one thing you can do TODAY to get you closer to feeling balanced?

Creating balance isn’t a one-and-done. We are constantly navigating the tides of balance. The first step is noticing. The second step is getting out of your head and into action.

To learn more about what coaching can do for you or your team, book a 15-minute complimentary chat here.


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