You are Enough. How to Plant Seeds Now for Success Later

Plant seeds now for spring blooms. Are you with me?

The holidays are over. The pressure to be perfect has set in. You are ready to triple your income, lose 20 pounds, start making your own kombucha and finally get that next-level promotion while simultaneously being featured on the GOOP podcast for just being you.


You are dreading getting out of bed because you have no direction, social media FOMO has left you feeling like your whole life has been one big mistake, and you can’t think about tomorrow, let alone your goals for Q1. 

Or maybe you are somewhere in between.

What if I told you that you are enough? JUST THE WAY YOU ARE? (Obvious Notting Hill reference) Yup. What if it was that simple? That you are brilliant, kind, compassionate, and positively magical but maybe aren’t feeling top-notch because who you are on the inside does not match with who you are on the outside?

What if you need to take a left instead of a right, and with a few tweaks you would be feeling one step closer to a life filled with more meaning and less self-doubt? 

It’s time to plant some seeds for the spring. To bring in what you desire but from a place that feels authentic to you.

How do you do that? With a short exercise from me called “The Alignment Audit.” This tool will help you feel inspired, get clarity on your values, and connect you with yourself.

Don't believe me? Try it out and report back! I respond to every email and comment. Download it here.

xo Ali

P.S. If you are ready to step in the role of CEO of your business or career I have spots open for 1:1 coaching. Book a discovery call here and let’s see if we are a match!


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