The #1 Thing Standing in the Way of Taking Care of Yourself

I recently posted the question “What is the one thing standing in the way of you taking care of yourself?” on social media and was met with three answers. TIME. MONEY. ENERGY. Sound familiar?

I am focusing on time today because it was the majority answer, over 65%!

Have you ever heard the expression “never enough, always more?” Time falls into that category. Time is what we make it. 

What is your relationship with time? Do you feel like you are often in scarcity mode, running from one thing to the next? I am here to share with you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are a few strategies to help you rekindle your relationship with the big T:

Step 1: Be in choice and create awareness around your time. Keep track of a day or week of what you do and start looking at each task or event. Are events and plans just happening to you? Are you on someone else’s clock (Netflix, house cleaning, anything goes)

Step 2: Block the most important tasks in your calendar at the beginning of the week. By creating a boundary you are more likely to stick to your plan and focus on what matters most.

Step 3: Drop the desire to be perfect. Perfectionism is boring.

Step 4: Start fresh and dream big. Grab a pen and answer this question. What if you had all the time in the world? What would you do? By brainstorming and expanding your thoughts first you are opening yourself up to possibilities! Then you can narrow it down to what is important or realistic.

Stay tuned for upcoming tips on unblocking energy and money!

xo Ali


You are Enough. How to Plant Seeds Now for Success Later


Move Over TO-DO list and Hello TO-BE list