What's your Type? Using the Enneagram for Radical Self Acceptance

Did you know self-acceptance is a crucial aspect of personal growth and emotional well-being? Did you also know that the Enneagram can be a valuable tool in the journey towards self-love and self-acceptance? As an Leadership and Enneagram facilitator, I use this tool on a daily basis.

If you aren't familiar with the Enneagram, it is a scientifically backed personality system that describes nine different core personality types, each with its own set of motivations, fears, desires, and patterns of behavior. It can provide insights into your personality and offer guidance on how to accept and work with your unique characteristics

 Why is this important? Well, if you can't accept all parts of yourself, how can you fully accept your partner, your children or your co-workers? Living your life in self doubt and angst can be exhausting. This isn't about complacency, it is about acceptance. 

If you are intrigued by this concept and are ready to go beyond motivational quotes and Instagram influencers for a deeper soul searching, I invite you to learn how how you can use the Enneagram for radical self-acceptance in the following ways:

 1. The first step in using the Enneagram for self-acceptance is to determine your Enneagram type. I recently was a guest on the Attune + Align podcast with Marisa LaValette where we dove into all things Enneagram. We talked about career, relationships and uncovered the secrets of the Enneagram as a tool for confidence and communication. Listen here!

After you listen to the episode you might just be ready to book a Vibes and Vision Enneagram session with me. We break it all down and you receive a full IEQ9 report included with your session!

 2. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses: The Enneagram recognizes that each type has both strengths and weaknesses. Self-acceptance involves acknowledging and embracing both aspects of your personality. Celebrate your strengths and use them to your advantage, and be compassionate with yourself about your weaknesses. 

 Curious about my strengths as a 7? I am visionary, adventurous, flexible,  and optimistic. Weaknesses? Bored easily, self-indulgent, commitment phobic, scattered.(ouch!) BUT naming my weaknesses gives me the language needed to recognize when I am out of alignment, ask for help, course correct, deepen self compassion, and run my my business and coach more effectively.

 3. Recognize your defense mechanisms: Enneagram types often develop defense mechanisms or coping strategies to deal with their fears and insecurities. Recognize these defense mechanisms in yourself, and understand how they may have shaped your behavior over time. Defense mechanism for a 9? Numbing out and avoidance. Enneagram 2? Repression of needs.

 4. Practice self-compassion: Self-acceptance requires self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when you notice your type's less constructive behaviors or thought patterns. Remember that everyone has areas of growth and learning. Did you know some Enneagram types have a harder time practicing self compassion than others? (Enneagram 1s I am talking to you!)

 5. Seek support and guidance: Consider working with an Enneagram coach (I can help you with that) or therapist who can provide personalized guidance on your journey of self-acceptance and personal growth. They can help you explore your type in depth and develop strategies for self-improvement.

 Remember that self-acceptance is an ongoing process, and the Enneagram is just ONE TOOL to assist you in this journey. It can provide valuable insights and a framework for self-understanding, but ultimately, the goal is to accept and love yourself for who you are, while recognizing that you have the capacity for growth and change. 

Photo credit: Cameron Cressman


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