Mindset Makeover: 5 Ways to Step out of Your Comfort Zone

In a world driven by comfort zones and familiar routines, it's easy to get complacent and settle for the status quo. But what if I told you that hidden within the realm of taking small risks lies the potential for monumental achievements? 

As the summer draws to a close you may be noticing your shoulders tensing, your sleep decreasing and the feeling of fall stress looming ahead. But what if all that stress is unnecessary? What if there is a new approach? What if things don't have to be the same as last year? 

It is time for a mindset makeover. Shake off the cobwebs, throw away the “shoulds”,  and take a step away from hustle town. 

How? By taking small risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. 

See below for five ways you can embrace risk to harvest big remarkable outcomes.

1. Embrace the Unfamiliar: Life's most transformative moments often occur when we step into uncharted territories. Consider checking your old identity at the door and stepping into a new role. You get to choose how you show up in this world. Old labels need not apply.

2. The Ripple Effect: Small risks can act as a pebble dropped into a pond, creating ripples that extend far beyond our immediate vision. If planning excites you, try brainstorming a timeline of possibilities for every risk you take. Watch the spider web of ideas unfold.

3. Fail Forward: Failure is not the end; it's a stepping stone on the path to success. This is often the thing that stops people from living to their full potential. Too much pressure to be perfect leads to procrastination, anxiety and lack of creativity and ultimately burnout.  Channel your inner Thomas Edison, who famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."  

4. Cultivate Resilience: Taking small risks nurtures resilience, a crucial trait for achieving greatness. Or at least fulfillment! 

5. Create Your Narrative: Each small risk you take shapes the story of your life. What do you want to be known for?

 As an Enneagram and leadership coach I help people step out of their comfort zone on a daily basis. The reward for my work is when clients have a win and break through their limiting beliefs! To learn more book a call with me here.


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