How to Shift Your Money Mindset

How is your relationship? And by relationship, I mean your relationship with money. Complicated? Spicy? Tense? Unpredictable? Fearful?

We all have our stories about money. What is yours?

A money mindset can be described as the feelings and thoughts that you subconsciously develop toward money based on your life experiences. It can start as early as your first memories. A negative money mindset can create a barrier between a person and financial health, keeping us in a place of stress and anxiety, and preventing women from making progress toward their financial goals, whether in their careers or as business owners.

As a leadership and business coach, this is a reoccurring theme in my practice.

If you want to start to work on your money mindset, your first step is to face your fears. You can boost your money mindset by taking charge of your finances, knowing your net worth, and setting micro and macro goals for your financial security.

As a woman, it can be hard to shift to a more positive money mindset. It may require some introspection and asking yourself hard questions. You can start by journaling and assessing your feelings about money and what may be holding you back.


  1. What is your story about money? (think about values from your parents, catchphrases from your youth, societal views, and external expectations).

2. What about these stories are true? Go through each story and try to prove its validity.

3. What is one action step you can take today to improve your financial health?

It can also be helpful to seek out financial education resources that are tailored to women's experiences and incorporate your cultural background into your financial planning.

Curious about leadership and mindset coaching with me? Book a call on my calendar today!

Photo Credit: Cameron Cressman Photography

(location: Speaking on Burnout at Surf and Sand, Mill Valley)


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