You are Enough. How to Plant Seeds Now for Success Later

Plant seeds now for spring blooms. Are you with me?

The holidays are over. The pressure to be perfect has set in. You are ready to triple your income, lose 20 pounds, start making your own kombucha and finally get that next-level promotion while simultaneously being featured on the GOOP podcast for just being you.

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Ali Dunn
Move Over TO-DO list and Hello TO-BE list

Tired of your ongoing to-do list? Do you long for a fresh start for the fall? Why not try a “to-be” list?

You have become very accustomed to the to-do list. But the list never ends. You write it, you check the boxes, sometimes you even write down your accomplishments down after the fact. You want to look at the list and thing dang-- I am a goal getter, list dominator, check box checker.

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Ali Dunn
Wanna Get A Room?

And by room, I mean room for YOU. Clearing your calendar of obligations and filling your personal space with joy and abandon. It's September and things are busy.

And if you are anything like me, you have recently found yourself hiding in your car hoping no one calls, touches or talks to you for 30 minutes in an attempt to breathe, get work done or phone a friend.

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Ali Dunn
Imposter Syndrome. What keeps you safe, keeps you small

Imposter syndrome. We’ve all been there. Most likely you experienced some version of imposter syndrome in the last week. Or day. Or hour for that matter!

How do you handle imposter syndrome? Do you employ a “fake it til you make it” attitude? Do you let it stop you from pursuing your purpose and path?

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Ali Dunn
Monday Strategies for a Kick Ass Week

Where do stand with the Monday blues? Ever present? Sometimes? Not a thing?

If you are anything like me, you probably waiver between “I’ve got this” and “F, no, how it is Monday already and I feel like I didn’t do a single thing for myself this weekend?” Read on for a few tips on turning the week from reactive to proactive.

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Ali Dunn
Cup of Clarity: Your Questions Answered

Just what is Cup of Clarity anyway? A writing program? A psychic reading? A group for tea aficionados?

Cup of Clarity is a weekly guided planning session for women like you to get clear on their intentions. To help you and accomplish what matters most with a group of like-minded (often entrepreneurial) women over a period of four weeks each month.

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Ali Dunn
How to Know if You are Ready to Take a Leap

Are you ready? I mean really ready for that next step? Maybe it is moving in with a partner, asking for a promotion, starting a new career path, moving to a new city. You may be stuck and wondering about your next steps. How do you know if your dream will work out? What if you fail? What if people find out you are (gasp) human?

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Ali Dunn
Stop Shoulding, Start Living

When was the last time you tried something new? Judging by our Instagram accounts and societal definition of what is good/right/smart/necessary you probably made a shift on January 1. Dry January, vegan January, weight loss January, read 30 books January…whatever that may be.

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Ali Dunn
Choose Your Own 2021 Adventure- The Ali Dunn Method

Congratulations! You made it to the end of December of 2020! If you experienced anything similar to me, this year felt like A LOT. A lot of patience, persistence, confusion, fear, sadness and just about every emotion under the sun.

Maybe over the last few weeks you have had feelings of hope.

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Ali Dunn
Dear December...

Dear December,

I have mixed feelings about you. Some years you bring me joy, other years stress, most often it is a combination of the two.

If I am being honest, I am kind of scared of you this year. I don’t know what to expect, I don’t know what I can control (um, nothing? ) and I am worried. Just plain worried.

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Ali Dunn
From Stressed to Serene: Your Best Holiday Yet

Did you laugh when you saw this headline? “Best” holiday? In 2020? Is that the same holiday where you can’t see your family, you are most likely quarantined, you cry over your tiny table set for four and your kids overhear you trash talking Santa because Amazon has shipping delays? Yes, that’s the one!

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Ali Dunn
Exercising Your Joy Muscle

Imagine a world where people fought for spots in Joy Bootcamp, Joy Theory, HIJT (High-Intensity Joyful Training)? Where worked on our feelings the same way we worked on our bodies?

Have you ever considered that igniting the feeling of joy is akin to toning a muscle? That it needs to be fired and tended to the same way you need to crunch your abs or do squats for your quads?

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Ali Dunn
Vulnerability and the F Word (It's Not What You Think)

Confession time. I once prided myself on the ability NOT to feel. I thought the less I felt, the stronger I would be. I found freedom in stoicism. Life was busy, who had the time to let the mushy stuff get in the way?

Feelings (the big scary F word) were for other people, not for me.

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Ali Dunn
A Quick Guide to Setting an Intention that Works

Setting an intention. That phrase has become ingrained in our culture. Maybe in your yoga class, during a meditation, or you use it when you write in your planner or journal. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, inhale, and set an intention for the day.

Uh, ok. Hmmm… But how does it work? Can I simply say the words out loud and they become true?

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Ali Dunn
3 Journal Prompts for Clarity

Struggling with overwhelm and need guidance? Given the current climate, I toggle between being over and underwhelmed on a daily basis! In just minutes these prompts can move you from foggy to focused.

You can make it part of your daily or weekly routine.

  1. What’s working? Name 3 things.

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Ali Dunn