Cup of Clarity: Your Questions Answered

Just what is Cup of Clarity anyway? A writing program? A psychic reading? A group for tea aficionados?

No, no and no. (Although I do love my tea.)

Cup of Clarity is a weekly guided planning session for women like you to get clear on their priorities and intentions. To help you and accomplish what matters most (beyond checking your to-do’s) over a period of four weeks each month. To create a harmonious week where what you do is as important as how you feel.

Cup of Clarity was born from the idea that working from home leaves us feeling isolated, overwhelmed and unproductive. We are wearing many hats and the lines between work and play are blurred. We are multi-tasking our butts off and swimming in to-do’s.

But at the end of the day you feel like you are not enough, did not do enough, did not achieve enough.

Enter Cup of Clarity. Partnering with fellow ex-pat, Sophie Davies, of Cuppa Culture, we bring a background of coaching, marketing and sales to the forefront to create a program that helps you set your intentions based on how you want to feel not just what you want to do. And you do it with a group of like-minded (often entrepreneurial) women

Joyful. Connected. Delighted. Spacious. Creative. Accomplished. Serene. Inspired. These are some of the words our participants have used to describe how they want to feel each week.

Exit overwhelm, enter clarity.

So what’s in it for you?

  1. Supportive network

  2. Focus on growth work, not just to-do’s

  3. Accountability

  4. On the spot coaching

  5. Relief. Guidance. Direction.

The next session starts March 8 @ 9:30 PST. Sign up here. Still curious? Book a 15-minute consult with me and see if Cup of Clarity is right for you.

Looking to make a career shift or simply want more out of your life? Book that same consult and let’s talk 1:1 coaching.

And we still have a few seats left for Now What? The 5-week program designed to help you dig deep, understand your strengths and take those next steps.

xo Ali

Currently Reading: The Henna Artist (a female lead not playing by the rules!) by Alka Joshi

Current Mantra: “Listen to your heart”. (That might be a Roxette song, but still holds true today)

Currently Eating: Baja Fried Rice from Selena Gomez’s show Selena + Chef, I watch it with my daughters. Sooo fun!

Ali Dunn