Finding Fulfillment: Navigating the Work-Life Balance Tightrope

Does it look like I have work life balance? Truthfully speaking, most days I feel out of balance. That’s why I aim for work life fulfillment over work life balance.

I believe if my values are aligned at work and at home, and I am acting out of integrity, my best has to be good enough. I also believe in embracing what we can control and accepting what we can't. The one common theme I hear from my female clients is that they often feel like they are never succeeding at work and home at the same time. If they are thriving at home, they are failing at work. And if they are thriving at home they are failing at work. And more often than not, they feel like they are failing at both. The pressure is too much!

My advice to you? Stop trying to be and do it all.

If you find yourself burnt out, overwhelmed or struggling to do it all, chances are your values are misaligned and you are living a reactive versus proactive life. I touch on burnout in this podcast interview here with TEDx speaker Henriette Danel.

To find work life fulfillment you must find the space and time to reconnect with your priorities and make sure your daily actions are in line with your big picture goals.

Unsure about your big picture goals or your values? You may need support. Tennis players need coaches. Yogis need teachers. You may need a career coach. Reach out and book a consultation call to see if leadership and mindset coaching is the one thing you may need to put this work life fulfillment puzzle together.


Is there such thing as a perfect Enneagram team or partnership?


Burnout By Enneagram Type: What You Need to Know