Enneagram Superpowers and Saying Yes When You Mean No

Have you been feeling less than powerful lately? Maybe it's overwhelm, burnout, lack of direction or motivation. Sometimes it is the stories in your head, identities and opinions about yourself that you have formed that may not actually be true. It can be exhausting keeping up with all of things while trying to feel good about yourself!


So how is this related to the Enneagram? The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self discovery that uses 9 archetypes to help you understand your core motivations, strengths and weaknesses. In a nutshell, it helps you understand why you are the way you are and how you can be better (with the least resistance possible). When it comes to getting in action and setting goals, the more you understand yourself, the easier it is to get what you want.


Another tool that I have been using with my clients is having them practice “the pause”. Although small, it is a very effective skill needed to give space before responding, replying or committing to things that are not aligned with their values or capacity. Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries.

How many times do you say yes when you mean no? Or you say yes with your head and your heart says no? Practice taking a deep breath, saying “I need to check my calendar” or delay responding until you feel like you have connected all the dots. 


Your future self will thank you!


How to Beat Procrastination Using your Enneagram Type


Resolution Burnout is Real. Here's How To Avoid It